Overview of my Data Story

For my project I decideded to research how tests and final exams affect behavior in stress, anxiety, and depression. Intestingly enough, the terms stress, anxiety, depression, tests, and exam all have similar trend patterns. In the United States of America, within the last 5 years of google trend data, research shows that there is a general increase in stress, anxiety, and depression searches when final exams are taking place. Upon research of this subject I found that many students struggle with "test anxiety" and "exam stress". Test anxiety and exam stress creates massive fear in a student to take an exam, even if the student is well prepared for the exam. To view my data page, click the following link: My Data Page.

Here is a link to the first article about test anxiety from the Anxiety and Depression Assosiation of America. Here we can learn what test anxiety is and how to treat it: Test Anxiety.

Here is a link to the second article about exam stress from familylives.org. It talks about what exam stress is and tips for studying for an exam to help prevent exam stress: Exam Stress.

Here is a link to the third article about exam stress from The Conversation. This article writes about what is physically happening during exam stress, how to combat exam stress, and how to pratice mindfulness: Exam Stress: What it is and how can I manage it?.